Section: Dissemination

Scientific popularisation

B. Perthame has given a public talk `Interactions entre mathématiques et sciences du vivant', CentreSciences, Chartres, May, 2011.

Participation in the “Fête de la science” in Paris (ESPCI, October 2011) : A. Ballesta, F. Billy, J. Clairambault, S. Dulong, F. Lévi in a joint INRIA-INSERM booth dedicated to chronotherapy.

A. Ballesta, J. Clairambault, F. Lévi, A. Langlois (direction), C. Mistral (graphisme) “La chronothérapie des cancers”, video/animation of scientific popularisation, producted in collaboration with the multimedia team of INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, November 2011

A. Ballesta has presented chronotherapy, illustrated by her popularisation movie on the subject in various lycées of the Paris region in 2011.

D. Drasdo has written an article on simulated liver regeneration in the popular journal systembiologie.de (in English and German, printed and under http://www.systembiologie.de) (Issue 03, 2011).

D. Drasdo was also interviewed by Kai Kraemer for the article Virtuelle Heilung (Laborjournal, 3/2011), in German and by Richard Grant for an article in The Scientist, also on liver regeneration (accessible by internet 2011).

J. Clairambault has published an article in Acta Biotheoretica [14] : “Commitment of mathematicians in medicine. A personal experience, and generalisations”, following an international workshop organised in 2010 in Paris on “The role and impact of mathematics in medicine”, on which a collective report has been published independently [3] .